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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

DIY Diwali Decor - Tea Light Holder/Candle/Diya

So let's recycle something once again this Diwali!

I am sure most of us have those little acrylic paint bottles lying at home. Some dry up while others are used and empty. Normally we just chuck them away in the bin. But this festive season, lets have some colourful fun and recycle those mini glass bottles to make elegant tea light holders!

To begin with we need -

1. Empty and clean Acrylic Paint Bottles

2. Fevicryl Mouldit

3. Some Wax chips 

4. Wick

5. Paint

6. Brushes

7. Glue

8. Some Talcum powder

And some imagination!

So let's start by first cleaning up the bottle.

Take the mouldit packets and follow the instructions for mixing the clay.

Use some talc to make it non-sticky and smooth. After it is mixed evenly, divide the clay into 5 portions like this.

Take the biggest portion and roll it into a thin flat mould.

Apply some glue on the sides of the bottle and roll the clay on it. Make the surface even and smooth by rolling it a bit more. 

It doesn't need to be very even!

Then take the 2nd large portion of the clay and elongate it by rolling. Flatten the top part so that it looks like elephant's head and trunk.

Stick it on the bottle and put in some details if you wish to make it more elaborate.

Make the ears and the tail.

Let it dry and harden. Then paint it any way you like!

Then place the wick in the center and fill in the wax chips. These can be extracted from an old candle or you can easily find them in any craft store.

Find Wax Granules on ItsyBitsy

And don't worry if you don't have wax chips. Just put the ready to use tea light on top.  So, here's our very own handmade Glittering Diwali Decor ready!

It's not perfect but it's still lovely :D

Here's how it looks when lit up.

And some more...

Have Happy and Safe Diwali!

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Simple DIY Toran Ideas by Re-using Old Beads

 Most of the times we throw away the old torans while replacing it with a new one during the festive times. Selected with a lot of interest I feel regretful while doing so myself. So this year, instead of throwing away the old toran, I decided to salvage some old beads and mix them up with some new ones to make a customized Door decor and am happy with the results.

Toran 1

 Because I didn't want a noisy dangling Toran at the main door, I chose to use the smaller beads.
Materials used - 
1. Some beads from old torans
2. Some new beads
3. Nose Pliers
4. Thread
5. Headpins and Jump rings
  Use the Eye Pin to attach the metal charm and insert the bell bead. Then make a hoop on top.
 Connect the beads using jump rings

Reach the desired length of the door and you're done! 

 Toran 2

 In this one I have used some white craft pearls from an old wall decor I had made earlier and some multicoloured beads along with small brass fish charms.

Follow the same process as before to make the hangings.

Make a hoop on one end of the thread. Measure the width of the door and cut the thread accordingly. Insert the beads from the open end. 
Once done, make another hoop and tie the loose end of the thread.

 This colourful Toran looks good on both dark and light backgrounds.

 Toran 3

 For this one I extracted the bells from old toran and some more beads from old necklace. I added a few floral craft beads which were awaiting use :D
 Use some headpins to make the hangings.


I alternated the red and green acrylic beads and used some white pearl beads as fillers. This style can be used to decorate the mandir shelf as well by shortening the length.
Reuse-Recycle-Refurbish! 😀

Wishing everyone a Happy Festive Season! 🙏

To find metal charms and beads online India -

Thursday, 28 October 2021

5 Easy DIY Diwali Decor for kids

Here are some easy and time saving do-it-yourself Diwali decoration ideas for the festive season.

1. Tealight Holders

Turn those plain looking candles into elegant tealights by making these tealight holder bases from foam glitter paper and some craft stones/sequins. 


Just cut circles and paste the ready to use candle holder in the center or on the side and decorate with kundans and sequins. Your beautiful and elegant decorative candles will be ready in no time!

Find the candle holders on : Amazon


2. Swastik sticker

Swastik is one of the decorations we use on Diwali without fail. This is a simple painted swastik on a red glitter paper background embellished with sequins.

3. The Feet of Lakshmi

Draw the feet on a plain paper and colour it red. Draw a Swastik in the center. Paste it on a round piece of glitter paper.  Encircle the feet with bead chain.

4. Kalash Stickers

Take a square piece of glitter paper. Draw a kalash on plain paper and colour it. Cut ✂️ at the outline and paint it. Stick it on the glitter paper piece.  Outline with bead chain.

5. Diya Paper Wall Decor

Semi-circle diyas painted on paper.

Similarly Draw hexagon shape and fill it with colourful paints. Stick some paper strips on side and jute thread on top. Decorative aakaash deep (lamps) wall hanging is ready!

🙏 🎇Wishing all of you a Happy and Prosperous Diwali 🎇 🙏